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About IHS Software - Projects

Ft Stockton ISD and IHS Software work closely with each other on the design and completion of their forms that our used in their department. Since the forms database the information then they can pull back information critical to running their office.

  ACTS Communities - 10/2011
ACTS community of lubbock, tracking attendees, reporting different report with the personalized forms.
  Emmaus Communities - 12/2011
Llano Estacado emmaus, Signal Mountain Emmaus, Sandhills Emmaus North Carolina, La Mesa De Dios Emmaus Community.
  8720 SSA - 5/2003
Karen Fulton, director, help design the software.
Schools in the Coop-Greenwood ISD, Stanton ISD, Garden City ISD, Grady ISD, Coahoma ISD, Forsan ISD
  Sweetwater ISD - 8/2004.
Scarlett Whitteker, Director,
Schools in the Coop-Sweetwater ISD, Roscoe ISD, Blackwell ISD, Highland ISD, Colorado City ISD
  Pecos Barstow Toyah Special Ed - 8/2004
Donna Davis, Special Ed Director,
  Snyder ISD - 9/2004
Dixie Haggard, Director,
  Fort Stockton ISD - 4/2006
Gwen Duncan, director,
  Excel Financial - Lease program to manage a Lease company office.
Benny Judah, Lubbock Tx.

Martin County Sheriffs Office - Software to keep track of the jail population, and print booking cards, warrants, and other forms.

  V A Johnston Estate - Software to keep track of the oil holdings and mineral revenues.
Micheal Koenning, Office Manager,
  Pecos Barstow Toyah Special Ed - 1/2008
Donna Davis, Special Ed Director, Purchase Order Software. Track all the Special Education Purchare Orders.

Llano Estacado Emmaus Community - 4/2009 Click Here
Keeping track of emmaus community, Print team selection, Active membership, Prayer vigil, etc